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= XMPP Promotion Work =
= XMPP Promotion Work =
WebRTC and XMPP go together like peanut butter and jelly. I feel we need to promote this much heavier than we have, before the web is flooded with javascript libraries offering solutions based on walled-garden networks. Federation is a feature across all usage domains.

In my role with [http://copyleftgames.org/ Copyleft Games], I've been promoting XMPP as an open, decentralized game network as an alternative to the closed, centralized game networks operated by Microsoft (XBox Live), Sony (Playstation Network), Steam, etc.  XMPP already provides most of the essential functionality of these networks; authentication, messaging, roster, voice chat, etc.  What we lack are games and game engines supporting it.
In my role with [http://copyleftgames.org/ Copyleft Games], I've been promoting XMPP as an open, decentralized game network as an alternative to the closed, centralized game networks operated by Microsoft (XBox Live), Sony (Playstation Network), Steam, etc.  XMPP already provides most of the essential functionality of these networks; authentication, messaging, roster, voice chat, etc.  What we lack are games and game engines supporting it.

Over the next year, I'll be investing a great deal of energy on a marketing and promotion group specifically around XMPP for gaming - both for foss/copyleft games and independent proprietary games, which I would like to see spearheaded under the XMPP Standards Foundation banner.  The primary target for this will be the emerging mobile multiplayer games market which is not currently targeted by existing game networks and, due to their one-shot nature, usually lack desirable features XMPP can provide "for free" through client libraries and existing server infrastructure.  
Over the next year, I'll be investing a great deal of energy on a marketing and promotion group specifically around XMPP for gaming - both for foss/copyleft games and independent proprietary games, which I would like to see spearheaded under the XMPP Standards Foundation banner.  The primary target for this will be the emerging mobile multiplayer games and "plugin-less" HTML5 games markets which is not currently targeted by existing game networks and, due to their one-shot nature, usually lack desirable features XMPP can provide "for free" through client libraries and existing server infrastructure.  

If elected to the board, this will be my primary focus in that role.
If elected to the board, this will be my primary focus in that role.