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Revision as of 20:31, 11 August 2019


FOSDEM 2020 (the Free and Open Source Software Developers' Europe Meeting) will take place on Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February 2, 2020 in Brussels, Belgium.

Anyone applying to Lightning Talks, or otherwise planning for any involvement? Please leave details on this wiki page!

FOSDEM 2020 will be preceded by XMPP Summit 24.

The XSF needs your help to make FOSDEM a success!

Who will be there

The following people plan to be there in person.

Name / Nick
Jane Doe

Submitted Talks

Track Name Title Description Time

SCAM metadata
Event on wiki main page (under 'upcoming events')? No
Announced on mailing list? No
Event on XSF Shared Calendar? No
Twitter announcement None yet
Blogpost announcement None yet
Blogpost wrapup None yet