User:Larma/Application 2024

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Hi, My name is Marvin Wißfeld, I also go by the nicknames larma and mar-v-in. This is my re-application for XSF membership.

About Me

I am contributing to and developing open-source software since 2011. Most of my work is related to the Android operating system. Examples of projects I significantly contributed to (and are not mentioned in the next section) include microG and OpenKeychain.

I graduated with a master in computer science and am a self-employed software engineer. My research and professional focus are in mobile privacy, IT security and fintech. I currently live in Berlin, Germany.

Me and XMPP

My first development activity around XMPP in 2012 was an open-source client for Android based on Smack. [1] It was a total mess and I discontinued work on it just a few months after publication. I also experimented with a system-wide XMPP service for Android in 2014, but it never became useful for anything. [2] In 2015, I participated in Google Summer of Code under the XSF to develop DNSSEC functionality for minidns. [3] While originally developed for the use in Smack, it is now also used in Conversations as well as many other projects. Since 2016, I am one of the main developers of Dino. Since 2018 I (co-)mentor Google Summer of Code students for Dino.

I regularly participate in development sprints and help advertise XMPP on conferences. I am happily contributing my opinion on the mailing list and in xsf@ MUC. I became a member of XSF in 2019. My personal interest in XMPP is user-friendly and secure personal and team communication (chats and calls). I am happy to contribute further to XEPs as well as Dino and other XMPP-related open source projects, to make this reality.

In 2021, I joined the XSF Council to further contribute advancing the XMPP standard.

Read more about me on my user page.


For the upcoming years, I'm planning to do the following (might shuffle things around a bit):

  • Finish implementation of current OMEMO (omemo:1) in Dino.
  • Fix issues with XEP-0444, XEP-0446, XEP-0447, XEP-0448 and finish their implementation in Dino.
  • Write a specification for cross-protocol bridges in groupchats (client-side "puppeteering") and implement it in Dino and Matterbridge.


  • Full name: Marvin Wißfeld
  • XMPP address: jabber at
  • e-Mail address: xmpp at
  • XSF discussion username: larma