Summer of Code 2005

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The Jabber Software Foundation is proud to participate in Google's Summer of Code. (See for background information.)


2005-07-05: Projects have been chosen and posted on this page. Look for updates throughout the summer.


DBus Transport Layer

Goal: Ease the integration of XMPP into existing applications by providing a unified way to send arbitrary (but valid) stanzas via the DBus IPC protocol using only one resource and connection to the Jabber server.

Student: Jakub Piotr Cłapa

Shockwave Lingo Library

Goal: Create a library for Jabber/XMPP development in in Lingo, the Macromedia Shockwave Script language.

Student: Samuel Shoji Fukujima Goto Improvements

Goal: Add support for privacy lists, delayed delivery, non-SASL authentication, private XML storage, vCards, and several other features to the server.

Student: Cheng-En Pang

Gloox Library

Goal: Help the gloox C++ library to full XMPP compliance.

Result: I was able to complete my goal in time and additionally added support for several XEPs to gloox.

You can find more information about the current status, planned work and source code releases at gloox' homepage:

Student: Jakob Schröter

XMPP/JADE Integration

Goal: Develop a new XMPP-based Message Transport Protocol for the Java Agent Development framework.

Student: Shawn Drost

Piorun Client

Goal: Develop a strong code foundation for a Gnome Jabber client using Mono, C#, and Gnome#.

Student: Dominik Zab?otny

Jive Messenger Security Enhancements

Goal: Add support for SASL and TLS (as defined in RFC 3920) to Jive Messenger.

Student: Hao Chen

Compliance Testing Project

Goal: Develop the basis for a Java-based XMPP compliance platform for testing both servers and clients.

Student: Johan van Overbeeke

Ruby Code Library

Goal: Develop a clean Ruby library that implements the XMPP specifications.

Project page:

Student: Yuki Mitsui

HTTP Jabber Interface

Goal: Develop a PHP-based implementation of XEP-0124 and XEP-0025 for improved integration between web applications and XMPP.

It will use a database to store messages and forward it to the Jabber server. It relays those messages and returns the response from the jabber server to the client.

The HTTP is used to relay the jabber messages and hence it can be used with any HTTP server and doesnt need any new port permissions to be assigned. Hence making the Jabber to work in even restricted environments.

Project WebPage:

Student: John Jimmy Dondapati


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