Ralph Meijer Application 2024

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My name is Ralph Meijer (ralphm) and I'm applying for the continuance of my XSF membership.

I've been an active member of the Jabber community since late 2000. I have co-authored a number of XEPs, all around publish-subscribe technologies, and contributed to many others, as well as the XMPP specifications submitted to the IETF. Furthermore I have served on the XMPP Council from 2004 through 2013 and serve on the XSF Board since 2013, as Chair since 2016. I am self-employed.

I irregularly keep a personal weblog and more often write at Twitter.


I maintain the following Jabber related services:


My most visible contributions in terms of code are:

  • Idavoll - A (framework for building a) server-side component that implements a XEP-0060 compliant publish-subscribe service.
  • The XMPP support in the Twisted Framework, of which I am the current maintainer.
  • Wokkel - A library on top of Twisted that provides XMPP extension protocol implementations.
  • ikDisplay - An aggregator of real-time event notifications for waterfall type displays (including the Twitter Streaming API) that pushes to XMPP Publish-Subscribe nodes.


I am a strong promoter of Jabber related technologies and have been given presentations at various conferences, mostly in Europe. Also, I've organized an Jabber/XMPP developers' room and XSF booth at FOSDEM on several occasions, among others, and participated in various meetings regarding new EU legislation related to instant messaging.


I would like retain my membership to continue my work within the XSF.