Tech pages/IoT ConstrainedDevices
Links to important documents relating to Internet of Things and XMPP:
- Main: Main page.
- XEPs Explained: Description of xeps and their interaction. If you are new to XMPP & Internet of Things, you should read this.
- IoT Examples: Mashup some examples from different industries, help finding new ones.
- IoT Support: Here we describe who support this and related work that can help you.
- IoT Interoperability: How we will keep everything truly interoperable.
- IoT Security: This is one of the strongest benefit of using XMPP.
- IoT XMPP Process: How is the process of the xep's and interoperability interfaces managed.
- IoT Constrained Devices: Going in to the world of restricted devices we need special care.
- IoT Local Environment: When dealing with home automation or a local network we need serverless or a local server configuration.
- IoT Http over XMPP: This extension extends the web to include devices in XMPP networks.
Contiki is a well know os for constrained devices originating from the research institute SICS [Contiki projekt]