Artur Bergman Application 2006
Revision as of 22:24, 27 January 2010 by Neustradamus (talk | contribs)
I am Artur Bergman, I am applying for membership to the JSF 2006. Easiest to contact me is either sky[at] or abergman[at] using email or xmpp.
I am 26 years old, I am a perl hacker, I worked on several parts of the core, most noteably the threading subsystem for 5.8. Now I manage the LiveJournal engineering team at SixApart, that lets me say that I help furries get married.
XMPP project
The DJabberd project, I am co-developer with Brad.
Future plans
Make sure we can scale LJ Talk up to millions of users.
Why I want to join
PSA told me too ;) I figured since I spend so much time on this it would be good to be a part of it.