Tobias Markmann Application 2024

Revision as of 19:31, 15 August 2024 by Tobias (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I'm Tobias Markmann, currently coding on XMPP servers, libraries, clients ([ Swift]) and other XMPP related software for [ Isode Ltd.]. Current interest include: * sensible and distributed file-sharing, that not depends on the cloud but can be supported by it. See for more details. * client / message state sharing (what messages have been read, reminders for messages, etc.) * reactions and th...")
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I'm Tobias Markmann, currently coding on XMPP servers, libraries, clients (Swift) and other XMPP related software for Isode Ltd..

Current interest include:

  • sensible and distributed file-sharing, that not depends on the cloud but can be supported by it. See for more details.
  • client / message state sharing (what messages have been read, reminders for messages, etc.)
  • reactions and threads in XMPP

I can be contacted via XMPP and mail.