XMPP Newsletter
Here you can submit news items for inclusion in the next XMPP Newsletter (as managed by the CommTeam).
What determines relevancy?
The submission must ideally be a blog or article about XMPP/Jabber and/or XMPP-based software (clients, servers, libs).
Some exceptions might be made, for example for a release page showing a new release of some XMPP-based software.
However, marketing brochures (e.g. single-page marketing sites) for new products which don't contain information on XMPP, won't be included.
- Instant Messenger Hell https://petermolnar.net/instant-messenger-hell/
- SMACK releases: https://discourse.igniterealtime.org/t/smack-4-2-3-and-4-3-0-beta1-released/80898
- Jabber Spam Fighting Manifesto: https://github.com/ge0rg/jabber-spam-fighting-manifesto / announcement: https://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/operators/2018-February/003039.html
- XMPP Manifesto for freedom: https://gitlab.com/senpie/xmpp-manifesto-for-freedom
- XMPP made simple http://www.blikoontech.com/tutorials/xmpp-made-simple-roster-and-presence-explained
- On the demise of Slack's IRC / XMPP gateways
- "The register article on Slack dropping XMPP" https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/09/slack_cuts_ties_to_irc_and_xmpp/
- Spectrum2 supports Slack https://spectrum.im/documentation/frontends/slack.html (Not new, but maybe related to Slack's XMPP drop)
- http://gwolf.org/node/4119
- Biboumi - A XMPP - IRC Gateway https://copyninja.info/blog/xmpp-irc-gateway.html
- Pidgin 2.13.0 has been released https://pidgin.im/pipermail/announce/2018-March/000020.html
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16567009
- Slack's XMPP fails https://cweiske.de/tagebuch/slack-xmpp.htm
- Gajim 1.0.0 ChangeLog: https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/blob/gajim-1.0.0/ChangeLog