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Here are some project ideas for the [http://code.google.com/soc/ Summer of Code 2006] ...
The Jabber-related Summer of Code projects have been selected. We had ~100 applications and it was very difficult to select from among them. The accepted projects are listed below.

NOTE: These are just a few ideas -- feel free to implement other features or dream up other Jabber-related projects!!!
* [[Encrypted Sessions and XMPP support for SIM-IM]] (student: Jan Å embera; mentor: Ian Paterson)
* [[HTTP-Auth suite]] (student: [[User:Machekku|Maciej Niedzielski]]; mentor: Jacek Konieczny)
* [[Instant Syndicating]] (student: Nick Vidal; mentor: Remko Tronçon)
* [[Java Jingle]] (student: [[User:AlNorth|Alasdair North]]; mentor: Matt Tucker)
* [[Psi JFT|Jingle File Transfer for Psi]] (student: [[User:Murilo|Murilo Belluzzo]]; mentor: Justin Karneges)
* [[Psi Link-local messaging|Link-local messaging support for Psi]] (student: [[User:JasonMcC|Jason McCandless]]; mentor: Justin Karneges)
* [[Psi Plugins Soc 2006|Plugin and scripting support for Psi]] (student: [[User:kevin|Kevin Smith]]; mentor: Peter Saint-Andre)
* [[Gajim PubSub|PubSub for Gajim]] (student: Tomasz Melcer; mentor: Yann Le Boulanger)
* [[Real-time wiki]] (student: Grzegorz Grasza; mentor: Mickaël Rémond)
* [[Psi Whiteboarding|Whiteboarding support for Psi]] (student: Joonas Govenius; mentor: Remko Tronçon)

And some Jabber-related projects for other teams include:
* [http://code.google.com/soc/inkscape/about.html Inkboard Protocol Spec and Lib Conversion]
* [http://www.adiumx.com/blog/2006/05/huzzah.php Jingle support in Adium]

== Client ==
You can still view the [[Summer of Code 2006 Project Ideas]], too.

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[[Category:Summer of Code 2006]]
=== Coccinella: an aquarium for kids ===
* Mentor: [http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/ Mats Bengtsson]
* Programming language: Tcl/tk
* Coolness factor: high
==== Project description ====
This project involves the creation of an interface for kids to Coccinella. You need to create a new roster style, the fishy roster style, with an aquarium containing fishes that represents the contacts (like [http://ralphm.net/ ralphm's Jabber Aquarium]). The fishes need to be be animated with [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0107.html User Mood]. For example, when a contact is happy, the fish will swim quickly in the aquarium with a smile on his face. The graphics will be done in 2D, but when time allows, they can be made in 3D.
Eventual sub-projects:
* Creation of educative whiteboard games suitable for kids.
* User Activities (see next section).
* Message mark-up (XMPP-IM).
* Creation of flashy emoticons like MSN.
This project will involve mostly new code, and less boring code rewriting.
==== JEPs you will/can work on ====
*[http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0060.html Publish-Subscribe]
*[http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0107.html User Mood]
*[http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0071.html XHTML-IM]
*[http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0108.html User Activity]
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=== Psi ===
The [http://psi-im.org Psi] client has several possible contributions suitable for an SoC project. (Projects ideas contributed by [http://kismith.co.uk Kevin Smith], [[User: Kevin]])
==== Jingle Audio ====
Psi was the first Jabber client to release a branch with support for voice calling using the [http://libjingle.sf.net libjingle library] released by Google. The main Psi branch has since migrated to the Qt4 toolkit (the Jingle branch uses Qt3) and libjingle has moved on several versions. A student could merge the psi-jingle branch changes back into the main branch, and finish work on providing media interfacing on non-linux platforms.
==== Bonjour ====
[http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0174.html Link-local messaging] allows clients to communicate directly, without the use of a server. The libraries used by Psi support the LAN discovery part of this, but not the chat protocol which lies on top. An interested student could implement the chat protocol in the library, and then integrate this in the Psi GUI.
==== Jingle Video ====
There already, through Jingle-audio, exists a protocol for voice calling over xmpp, which Psi already supports (in a seperate branch, see above); a particularly adventurous student might wish to extend this to video support for video calling. A student interested in this project would have to interface with video hardware and sound hardware (probably re-using the libjingle sound code), and provide streaming capabilities, probably through libjingle. A negotiation protocol would be developed, although assistance would be given with this, and it is not the focus of the project.
==== Whiteboarding ====
Several approaches to whiteboarding have recently been proposed for Jabber, revolving around the SVG standard. A student interested in this could prototype a method for encapsulating changing SVG data in the xmpp stream and implement an editor/viewer in Psi. Also linked to the "Sharing Animations" task.
==== Sharing Animations ====
Linked to whiteboarding, but a less gargantuan undertaking, would be implementing a method for sharing progressive SVG animations between Psi instances, and rendering them within Psi. A student interested in whiteboarding would be advised to start here and, indeed, this is a worthwhile project in its own right.
==== Interesting Chat Widgets ====
The chat view in Psi is currently fairly plain, while other clients have far 'whizzier' interfaces. This is an open-ended project to attempt to 'make the chat widget more interesting', starting with finishing xhtml-im support. There are many directions this project could go, one of which, although possibly not the most interesting, would be to support the same them e files used by Adium and Google Talk.
==== Plugin Support ====
Psi has long been in need of a plugin interface. A framework for loading plugins has already been worked on, but the interface itself between Psi and plugins needs to be defined. Such an interface must completely abstract itself away from the internal workings of Psi and Iris, allowing a stable plugin system, even when Psi's code changes. A student could finish the plugin management and implement an interface, bringing plugins to Psi.
==== A Mail-Like History ====
Psi's history behaviour is somewhat basic at present. An interested student could overhaul this interface, providing something more akin to a mail client, with ordering, sorting and searching based upon contact, time, content etc.
==== Any Other Business ====
There are many other possible projects involving Psi. Any students with their own ideas of things that can be added or improved can discuss their ideas with the developers before applying if they wish.
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=== General Client Enhancements ===
Pick an existing client, and implement a full JEP or improve what's present.(proposed by [[User:Zion]])
Some places to start:
==== [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0045.html Multi-User Chat] ====
Few clients support the whole thing.
==== [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0004.html Data Forms] ====
AKA x:data
==== [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0163.html Personal Eventing Protocol] ====
It's experimental, but we currently have a chicken and egg problem with PubSub in general; we need clients to implement it to encourage servers to expose it. Experimental implementations include those in [http://psi-im.org Psi] and a [http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~henoch/text/ejabberd-pep.html patch for ejabberd].
=== Java Jingle ===
Create a Jingle implementation in Java and JavaSound. Jingle is an XMPP extension that primarily (for now) enables VOIP. A Java implementation would spread the protocol more widely. It's also very useful to have several implementations for testing purposes. (proposed by [[User:MTucker]])
== Server ==
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=== Wildfire Features ===
* Add migration scripts from other IM servers to Wildfire. This could include non-XMPP and XMPP servers (proposed by [[User:MTucker]]).
* Create a SIP/SIMPLE gateway to make it easier for users to fully transition to XMPP (proposed by [[User:MTucker]]).
* Perform integration with other telephony systems, like [http://www.jivesoftware.org/asterisk-im Asterisk-IM] does for Asterisk integration (proposed by [[User:MTucker]]).
* Contribute to the [http://www.jivesoftware.org/community/forum.jspa?forumID=48 Pampero project], which will bring massive scalability to Wildfire (proposed by [[User:MTucker]]).
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=== ejabberd Features ===
* It would be great if the [http://ejabberd.jabber.ru/ ejabberd] server (written in Erlang) supported the latest version of [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0060.html Publish-Subscribe] including the [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0163.html Personal Eventing] subset. (proposed by [[User:Stpeter]])
* Support for the [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jeps-0124.html HTTP Binding] would be great but I think the folks at [http://www.mabber.com/ mabber] have written this and just need to contribute their code. (proposed by [[User:Stpeter]])
* File transfer [http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0065.html SOCKS5 proxy] integration. (proposed by [[User:mremond]])
: There already is a draft implementation, is it still worth to list this here? See [http://www.jabber.ru/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=25 bug 25].
* Create a Jabber to Jabber transport as a module for ejabberd. [http://support.process-one.net/doc/display/CONTRIBS/Jabberlang Jabberlang] will be useful.
* Create a system to allow people to migrate easily from [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Office_Live_Communications_Server Microsoft Office Live Communications Server] (LCS) to ejabberd. LCS lacks many important features amongst XMPP support and very high scalability which makes this migration tool very useful. It would be great if migration from LCS to ejabberd is so easy and perfect that it outperforms the installation process of LCS. In other words: migrating to ejabberd should be more easy than installing LCS.
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=== Generic Server Work ===
* A lot of servers claim XMPP-compliance, thus following the RFCs strictly. A test suite for interoperability between clients and servers can ratify these claims. (proposed by [[User:Astro]]) Test suite coverage over major XMPP extensions for protocols like MUC, pubsub, etc would be highly useful.
* Contribute to an existing XMPP load testing project or create a new one. A test suite that can easily work across many client machines would be ideal for testing very high load. Suggestion: Java implementation so that it's cross-platform. (proposed by [[User:MTucker]])
: Why re-invent the wheel? There already is [http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/ Tsung]:
:* multi-platform and based on an open-source language
:* Jabber benchmarking (amongist others)
:* clustering features of Erlang
: So, I guess it is better to add features to Tsung. I think they have a TODO list... (comment by [[User:Sander]])
== Federation ==
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=== Distributed monitoring of the Jabber network ===
(proposed by Lucas Nussbaum - xmpp:lucas@nussbaum.fr)
The Jabber network isn't really known for its reliability, and administrators don't always have the necessary tools to monitor their server correctly. The data provided by http://public.jabbernet.dk/mrtg/ is not enough. The goal of this project is to build a testing framework to be able to monitor the public servers and answer those questions :
* do client connections using SASL, TLS or SSL currently work on server S1 ? (not only checking if the TCP port is open, but full login)
* do server-to-server works between server S1 and S2 (by exchanging ping messages on XMPP) ?
This would allow to build a more detailed status of the Jabber network. Additionally, it would be nice to be able to add a contact email, so the administrator can get informed of his server's problems.
(addendum by [[User:Stpeter]])
Integrating this into the [http://www.xmpp.net/ XMPP Federation] database and website would be super.
== Transports / Gateways ==
== Development Tools ==
== Non-IM Applications ==
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=== Jabber authentication to CMS and blogs ===
(proposed by [[User:Halr9000]])
See my [http://halr9000.com/ideas/xmpp-and-cms/ XMPP and CMS] post on the topic.
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=== [[Wikipedia:User:Henna/VF/Feature_requests#XMPP_and_Especially_Publish-Subscribe|Create a Vandal Fighter for Wikipedia based on XMPP]] ===
(proposed by [[Wikipedia:User:Henna]])


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