XMPP Newsletter
Here you can submit news items for inclusion in the next XMPP Newsletter (as managed by the CommTeam).
What determines relevancy?
The submission must ideally be a blog or article about XMPP/Jabber and/or XMPP-based software (clients, servers, libs).
Some exceptions might be made, for example for a release page showing a new release of some XMPP-based software.
However, marketing brochures (e.g. single-page marketing sites) for new products which don't contain information on XMPP, won't be included.
A look at the XMPP chat app being developed for the Purism mobile phone https://puri.sm/posts/librem5-progress-report-19/
QR Code generator for OMEMO https://blog.jabberhead.tk/2018/11/03/qr-code-generator-for-omemo/
Dutch article about IronChat, XMPP/OTR app (apparently a fork of Conversations) with centralized server used by criminals. The server was hacked and the MITM'd the messages. Lots of people arrested. https://nos.nl/artikel/2258309-beveiliging-door-politie-gekraakte-cryptofoons-was-twijfelachtig.html