Fannys Bampaloukas Application 2022
- Name: Fannys Bampaloukas
- Mail address: email [at] fannys [dot] me
- JID: [1]
- Sourcehut: msavoritias
I am a working as developer/infra person.
About Me
I found out about XMPP last year. I am using it full time for all of my communications. I am mostly involved in the outreach and community management area. Focusing on moderation, helping communities to become inclusive. Lately I have started to get more active directly with XSF by contributing to the newsletter every month.
My XMPP projects and activities
I am involved in the newsletter writing the xep section for the past couple of months. Contributed in spellchecking for it. I am doing local outreach for xmpp.
And I also have been involved either creating or moderating a lot of rooms in xmpp, contributing to a healthy community.
I believe in privacy and decentralization. I have been active in implementing and proposing private alteratives to organizations and communities before. I have also made talks in groups I was in regarding decentralization and privacy.
My aim is a stronger XSF driven by its members. And my focus is more on the community side of things which I feel needs more love.