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  • Eddie
  • Jishnu
  • asd
  • MBULA Assurance
  • Vaidik
  • Thilo

Eddie: Congratulations.


  • Eddie board member of XSF, GSoC Administrator - go to contact. Everyone should have direct contact for general questions. Most things should of course be discussed in public chat or with mentor directly.
  • Akshay - FOSS contributions, social benefit. Also mentoring in Zendalona.
  • Jishnu - passionate about FOSS.
  • Assurance - CS student. First time in open source project. Have been developing local projects. Will be interacting with everyone in the upcoming days.
  • Thilo - XMPP contributor since 2015, with Gajim. Working on Monal for last many years. First time mentoring in GSoC. Experienced with teaching.
  • Vaidik - University student. First time in open source. Picked up iOS and started doing it.

What to look for in next month: Eddie

  • Please definitely go through google guidelines for contributors, mentors, and administrators. If you experience any shortcomings, please go back to that documents.
  • We are currently in community bonding phase. Feel free to join main channels like xsf discussions, jdev. Say hello and talk about what you're working on. GSoC is also about joining communities.
  • This is a decentralized community, so of course join all channels and interact.
  • Bonding means not just saying hello, you can also ask all sorts of questions. Look at what's there. There are a lot of projects. Get to know. Many communities have their own channel they're interested in. Of course the community is also there to help you.
  • Please discuss things in jdev chat and confirm your ideas of what you're planning to do. Maybe every week.
  • Don't feel it is something you'll be blamed for or will apply negative for you.
  • I hope you all get to implement your ideas perfectly.
  • There are a lot of people with lot of expertise who are happy to help you and provide input.
  • There is no need to wait for May 27, you can start coding now.
  • Plan how you work, I hope you did that already.
  • July 8 there's first submission phase. You should have a plan for the first six weeks and share it.
  • I am sure you already have a plan, please puts date to it. It might be difficult to be exact, but it will give a feeling of what needs to be done.
  • Don't fear. The GSoC program is not a program expecting you to be perfect. You should learn from this, how to work not only how to code.
  • I recommend to go through the timeline, set up a plan, and put it in your own calendar. I'll try to remind you, but it is your own responsibility to follow the date.
  • After that there's final week. That's something you should put in your calendar.
  • GSoC is set up as full time project. It certainly won't work out if you have other ideas. If you are planning a break, please communicate.
  • End of August final submission.
  • The other dates below that is for people who are doing over longer range. Don't worry.
  • You should have a plan on when you would be done with what. Don't let feature creep and get too many functionalities in which are not part of the scope. It can happen knowingly or unknowingly. Especially unknowingly is something we don't want.
  • Let's do weekly public check-ins where we all meet in the GSoC chat where we will do like a standup. Can you tell us what we did this week, whether you have any challenges, and what you're doing next week. It helps with others also seeing.
  • Outside of weekly check-ins (and maybe later biweekly), please check-in with mentors on what you read, have a chat and discussion. Everyone should take it seriously to follow-up. Especially contributors, please communicate what you're doing, and also when you're facing difficulties.
  • Also take effort to take information from mentors.
  • There's expert knowledge that mentors will give you, but you should also do basic knowledge from your side.
  • Hope everyone's getting emails from google.