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Revision as of 08:02, 30 October 2023

Nicola Fabiano, an Italian Lawyer, is very enthusiastic about the XSF and XMPP, working around Italy (mainly between Rome and Milan) and abroad.

You can find further information about my professional activities by reading my short XSF profile, where there are listed the Memberships.

However, apart from the professional profile (if you are interested, you can find my full CV here), usually, I define myself as a strange human being, half lawyer and half computer scientist by having gained good technical knowledge. Indeed, I consider technical knowledge an added value, allowing me to understand technical issues and take suitable legal evaluations.

Motivation: Since before I became an XSF Member, I have always manifested my enormous motivation for XMPP, and it remains so that I continue to support its vision, mission, and work.

Some of my activities for XMPP

Before becoming an XSF Member, I edited the Italian translation of the monthly newsletter and continued working on it.

After becoming a component of the XSF Family, I organized a monthly web meeting event that I called "XMPP Italian happy hour", only in Italian, which is held on the third Tuesday of each month to spread the XMPP news, involve people to deepen XMPP and XSF reality, invite Italian XMPP experts to discuss each other.

From my side, I spread any XMPP news on social platforms (Mastodon, X, LinkedIn, Nostr, BlueSky, and Minds) and my Telegram channel (NicFab news).

Immediately after being elected, I made my professional skills available to XSF for any eventuality.

I had started working on the privacy policy and terms and conditions.

The reasons of my candidacy for Board 2023

The activities I described above attest and contribute to demonstrating my motivation for XSF.

The XSF Board should address and deal with - generally speaking - administrative and business affairs.

From my humble perspective, I believe it's possible to do something more for everyone (members or not) by reviewing, strengthening, and improving - where possible - each aspect falling into the board's competence.

I consider communication - primarily digital - a strength that sometimes is lacking.

The XSF - as an international foundation - deserves a huge communication space, which should provided or organized by the Board.

What could I do about the Board and XSF

My professional background might allow me to make an excellent contribution.

Indeed, considering as the starting point that my approach is entirely based on the spirit of service, I can provide legal support for any possible issues, including compliance with the laws and Bylaws.

Moreover, my technical background can be helpful in some situations where there is a need to adopt an approach by joining technical and legal competencies.

I can also be available for the XSF communication.

What not to expect from me

Although I like Python, I am not a developer and cannot provide technical support on specific deep issues.

I am at your disposal; feel free to contact me via my XSF member profile if you have any questions.