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I've been involved with the Jabber/XMPP community since late 1999. Up until ~2014 I served as Council member, Editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, etc. I also [co-]authored a lot of specs, both XEPs and RFCs.

In addition to my work in the XMPP community, for a number of years I was very active in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a spec author, working group chair, member of the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), chair of the RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC), and currently a member of RFC Production Advisory Team.

I have also served on other boards, e.g. at the Alliance for Open Media.

In February of 2022 I quit my job as senior director of strategic partnerships at Mozilla and retired from the tech industry. These days I advise a few tech companies but mostly I'm writing books and working on a non-tech startup in the business training space.

What's Necessary

The XSF needs a functioning Board to manage its business affairs in accordance with its bylaws, its articles of incorporation, Delaware state law, and U.S. regulations (e.g., governing 501(c)(3) organizations). In 2023 we've done a decent job of this, I think, but of course we need to do more than the minimum...

Going Beyond What's Necessary

The core activity of the XSF is publishing our specification series. Although we've made some progress on automation, we need a small team of GitHub reviewers to manage the editorial function and that should be a priority in the coming months.

We might also consider more active fundraising activities (which we've never really done), but I see those as secondary for the next ~12 months.

After some delays, we should also settle on a code of conduct - I've volunteered to help get this done through a Last Call on XEP-0458 and co-authoring that with Dave Cridland.


JID/email: stpeter@jabber.org