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=Meeting Notes=
=Meeting Notes=
== Quorum ==
Board Members present: Eddie, Matthew, Peter, Ralph
Board Members absent: Arc
Other folks: Zash, Kev, Dave, etc.
== Returning Business ==
=== Editor Role, Processes, and Tooling ===
Ralph: last time we had a few people volunteer. Seems in hand, not sure the Board needs to track it actively
Peter: I need to meet with Jonas on the Editor role. Action Item for me.
Matthew: It was quiet over the end-of-year holidays.
Peter: do we have a metabug?
Matthew: we have a label in the GitHub repository.
Ralph: we could potentially use a "GitHub project" (has a kanban-style view).
Ralph: it doesn't seem that Board needs to be actively inserting itself at this point.
Eddie: but this is important. :-)
Ralph: agreed, we can at least hear a status update in future meetings.
=== FOSDEM / Summit ===
With regard to the Summit, Ralph has reached out to his Cisco contact, waiting to hear back. If that doesn't materialize, we could book a meeting room at the typical hotel location (Hotel Thon).
With regard to FOSDEM, materials are now stored in Ralph's attic for use in the realtime booth. Would be good to have demos, displays, A5 brochures, etc. Also there will be a realtime dev room. Ralph to follow up with the organizers. Call for participation has ended.
XSF block at the Hotel Thon? Ralph or Eddie might call. Will need to know how many folks we might have. Send email to Summit, Member, and Standards lists.
Dinner: Ralph will call. Also need to gather people's menu choices.
=== GSOC ===
We need to recruit projects to participate.
Dino folks are interested, but haven't heard from others.
Dave: I'll talk with the Ignite Realtime folks.
Kev: some years ago we put in some effort to build a good relationship with the GSoC people at Google; I think it's better to submit a strong application (multiple projects) rather than submit an application with, say, only Dino and Ignite. At that point we're not much of an umbrella.
Eddie: I did post emails and social media stuff.
Kev: It seems best to ping project leads individually to build on the social posts.
=== Member Survey ===
Discuss next time or on email.
== Returning Business ==
== AOB ==
== Date of Next Meeting ==
February 2 would be during the Summit. The Board will coordinate on the date of the next meeting.


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