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(Created page with "My name is Daniel. I’m current on Council. I write XEPs; I provide feedback to XEPs; I develop an XMPP client for Android called [https://conversations.im Conversations] and it's spin off [https://quicksy.im Quicksy]. === Affiliations === I’m self employed. I do contract work and consulting for various companies around the world. However those companies don’t pay me for my work in the XSF and therefor have no say over my decision making. === Contact === You can...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:26, 18 February 2022

My name is Daniel. I’m current on Council. I write XEPs; I provide feedback to XEPs; I develop an XMPP client for Android called Conversations and it's spin off Quicksy.


I’m self employed. I do contract work and consulting for various companies around the world. However those companies don’t pay me for my work in the XSF and therefor have no say over my decision making.


You can reach my either via XMPP or SMTP at: firstname (at) lastname (dot) de.