
Revision as of 15:49, 21 December 2009 by Nyco (talk | contribs) (xepbundle.tar.bz2)
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Linked Process

Linked Process, mentionned in the last XMPP Roundup, has got a new protoXEP:

Deferred specs

Three XEP have been deferred, since they have not been touched for a long time:

All the XEP in PDF

Tobias Markmann has written a XEP publishing mechanism that generates the XEP in PDF format, with syntax highlighting for example stanzas. You can now download each one of them, read them while offline, and distribute them. You can also get the full pack as a tarball: xepbundle.tar.bz2

Tobias has also added checkboxes that enable the filtering based on the status.

Thank you very much Tobias!