Piorun Client
Piorun (=lightning in Polish) is going to be a client for semi-advanced users, somewhat resembling XChat or TKabber, written using C#/Mono/Gnome# and integrated with Gnome desktop. Main goal is to provide comfortable interface for dealing with many mult-user chats and large rosters, with good keyboard navigation. I also want to keep the code clean and extensible.
Implementation details
- Piorun uses own XMPP library based on TcpClient, using packet-level synchronization with GLib's main loop. Control flow can be safely interrupted in any place to update GUI, which makes application more responsive
- XMPP stanzas are wrapped into c# classes
- Contacts (described by Jabber ID's) are first-class objects, they alone send and receive stanzas and do many other things
Summer of Code tasks
done are marked by [x], partially done by [?]
- [x] TLS/SASL (the most labour-consuming task)
- [x] privacy lists
- [x] multi-user chat (basic)
- [ ] service discovery
- [x] vCard
- [x] avatars (within vcard)
- [ ] IM-HTML
- [ ] file transfer
- [x] aspell support
- [ ] history browsing
- [x] all internal graphics in SVG format
- [ ] integration with Evolution address book
- [ ] history search through Beagle
- [ ] "now playing" feature with Muine
- [x] log window
- [x] logging to file
- [x] xml console
- [ ] better keyboard navigation
About me
My name is Dominik Zablotny. I come from Poland, where I am living in small town Brodnica and studying Computer Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. My programming experience includes: Borland's Pascal/Delphi/C++, GNU C and Free Pascal, but my favourite tool is C#/Mono.
Contact information:
- Jabber Id: doza@chrome.pl
- Mail: doza <!> sztorm.net