Nicolas Vérité Application 2009

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I had already applied in 2007 and 2008.

Reach me at or


I popped up in 1974 (then have grown a bit), then discovered computers in 1984, then discovered the internet and free/opensource software in 1996, then "Jabber" a bit later (don't know when exactly), then I got involved in community stuff, then got employed at ProcessOne, that's where I am now... ;-)

XMPP Projects

Although I've never coded XMPP stuff, I've contributed to and Wikipedia, edited a few XMPP Roundups, blogged and micro-blogged mostly in french, wrote a few articles for (I aslo happen to be president of this association), and also gave a few talks everywhere I could, promoting XMPP of course (but also free/opensource software, open standards, and innovative possibilities of XMPP applications). Besides I do now XMPP fulltime, working on XMPP-related projects for my company.

Why I like XMPP

Because it's an open standard, modern protocol, worldwide-open network, that opens wide the door of the universe of possilites (where a few usual answers get limited).

Why I'm re-applying

I have more time and knowledge to promote and contribute to XMPP-related projects, especially the Roundups and some reviewing of XEP.