Joe Hildebrand Application 2007

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I'm Joe Hildebrand, and I am re-applying for JSF Membership. This is mostly a rehash of last year's application, since I'm about to get on another plane...

Current Job

As the CTO of Jabber, Inc., I'm responsible for (but not the only source of) the technology vision of our products, as well as communicating that vision to our customers, the press, analysts, and others. I'm lucky to work with such a wonderful team. I have a blog, but I don't post there as often as I'd like.

Open Source

I'm the main author of Jabber-Net, a set of .Net libraries that provide XMPP supprort. With the passing of Peter Millard, Exodus is now more-or-less under my stewardship as well, although we're working on it here at Jabber, Inc. as well. Fun Exodus fact: we're about to Google Code; hopefully we'll get the daily build process back up and running as a part of that process.


This year it's mostly been suggestions and comments on protocols, rather than authoring them. An example is the recent discussion on XEP-115: Entity Capabilities.

Public Speaking

Again, there were more than a handful of speaking engagements this year. The last one was a panel at Enterprise 2.0.


When I'm talking with large corporations, trying to get them involved in the XSF, I stress to them that we're an open bunch. Anyone can join the mailing lists, anyone can contribute. That makes us different from some standards organizations that make you purchase an expensive membership. However, we also have a pretty clear, republican decision-making process, which makes us different from some other standards organizations. I believe the group of interested, intelligent participants we have drawn together, coupled with a little bit of structure, is what allows us to make as much forward progress as we have. I want to be a part of that structure, to help determine who our leaders are.