Joachim Lindborg Application 2013
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About Me
General BackGround
I am a graduate with in Computer Science at the Uppsala university Sweden Information Technology Uppsala I have been working in the field of energy and smart homes and energy efficiency since 1996 and have been working with a broad flora of tools to measure, control and make energy efficiency happen. I am using XMPP in major projects such as Intelligent energy services
Past Work
- Working alot with LonWorks / LonMark, Modbus, IEC1107, Mbus, wMbus, RS485 related etc to enable measurment and control
- Created the system for an eneregysavings company [1]
- Working in the Swedish research company Sustainable Innovation [2] with energy efficiency
- Part of the ISO/IEC/IEEE Internet of things standard
- Working in the Swedish smart grid intitative
Taking part in the creation of several IoT XEP's
- XEP-0322: Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format
- XEP-0323: Internet of Things - Sensor Data
- XEP-0324: Internet of Things - Provisioning
- XEP-0325: Internet of Things - Control
- XEP-0326: Internet of Things - Concentrators
- XEP-0331: Data Forms - Color Field Types
- XEP-0332: HTTP over XMPP transport
maintaining the git hub for several more
Why I Am reapplying for XSF Membership
I have now been part of the XSF during one year and I see that XMPP can be a vital part of the Internet of Things and I will continue the work that is begun during 2013 with the new Extensions
During 2014 I will
- work with more XEP's that is useful for IoT
- Get implementations for IoT out to the open source public
- Create a tutorial for ease the start of using XMPP as a middleware for IoT
- Continue the work on the wiki [3]
Contact Information
- PHONE: +46 70 6442270
- WEB: